Price Trends

The information in this section is sourced from Land Registry and displays average sale prices for all property types in PR3 in addition to recently sold properties in The Sidings.

House price data in PR3 for all properties

Total Transactions


Average Sales Price


Top Transaction


House price growth

5.76% in last year

Average prices in PR3 by property type









Recently sold properties in The Sidings

5, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Detached Freehold £389,000 30 June 2022
95, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Detached Freehold £425,000 31 May 2022
52, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BP Detached Freehold £385,000 28 September 2021
25, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Terraced Leasehold £131,212 12 August 2021
25, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Terraced Freehold £43,737 12 August 2021
30, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BP Flats/Maisonettes Leasehold £37,485 08 July 2021
39, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Flats/Maisonettes Leasehold £56,227 11 June 2021
28, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BP Detached Freehold £256,950 28 May 2021
31, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Flats/Maisonettes Leasehold £31,237 01 April 2021
21, THE SIDINGS, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE, PR3 5BN Detached Freehold £258,950 31 March 2021