Price Trends

The information in this section is sourced from Land Registry and displays average sale prices for all property types in SL3 in addition to recently sold properties in Seacourt Road.

House price data in SL3 for all properties

Total Transactions


Average Sales Price


Top Transaction


House price growth

4.79% in last year

Average prices in SL3 by property type









Recently sold properties in Seacourt Road

71, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EP Semi-Detached Freehold £502,500 24 October 2022
47, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EP Semi-Detached Freehold £550,000 26 August 2022
27, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EP Semi-Detached Freehold £535,000 08 July 2022
86, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EW Semi-Detached Freehold £600,000 14 April 2022
22, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EW Semi-Detached Freehold £480,000 11 March 2022
8, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EW Semi-Detached Freehold £485,000 30 June 2021
21, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EP Semi-Detached Freehold £682,500 28 June 2021
51, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EP Semi-Detached Freehold £485,000 22 February 2021
26, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EW Semi-Detached Freehold £640,000 19 February 2021
94, SEACOURT ROAD, SLOUGH, SLOUGH, SL3 8EW Semi-Detached Freehold £445,000 05 February 2021