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Westbourne Road, Morecambe - I-Pack

Material Information

Westbourne Road, Morecambe

The material information outlined within this section is obtained from various sources. Whilst we believe the information is correct, we have not verified it and cannot guarantee accuracy and do not accept any liability for any inaccuracy. We recommend that prospective purchasers verify accuracy themselves or appoint professionals to independently verify the information.

Property Information Highlights:
Quick links
Driveway, Garage, Off Street
Main Supply
Main Supply
Main Supply
A Conveyance of the land in this title dated 9 January 1961 made between (1) Richard Casson and Alvin Walker and (2) Denis Lund and Jean Audrey Lund contains the following covenants:-
For the benefit and protection of the estate of the Vendors at Middleton aforesaid or any part or parts thereof and so as to bind so far as may be the property hereby conveyed into whosoever hands the same may come the Purchasers hereby jointly and severally covenant with the Vendors that they the Purchasers and the persons deriving title under them will at all times hereafter observe and perform (but so that the Purchasers shall not be personally liable for any breach of covenant accruing on or in respect of the property hereby conveyed after they shall have parted with all interest therein) the restrictions and stipulations following namely:-
(1) The external plan or elevation of the said dwellinghouse shall not be altered or permitted or suffered to be altered nor shall any building or erection be erected on the property hereby conveyed without the consent in writing of the Vendors previously obtained
(2) No stall booth or shed or any table board or other structure for the purpose of selling or exposing for sale goods of any kind whatsoever shall be placed or set up on any part of the land hereby conveyed by the Purchasers or their successors in title or assigns or by any person by their permission
(3) No building erected upon the said plot of land shall be used as a shop or warehouse for trade or business purposes and no building so erected shall be used for the sale to be consumed on or off the premises of ale beer or spirituous liquors or as a public dancing room or singing room or for any purpose which might be noisy or noisome or detrimental to the neighbourhood and no stable cowshed pigsty goathouse or poultry house shall be erected thereon but nothing herein contained shall prevent the Purchasers or their successors and assigns from erecting on the said plot of land in respect of and as an adjunct to such dwellinghouse or bungalow a motor garage to be used for private purposes only and not for business purposes
(4) No pigs poultry pigeons or goats shall be kept upon any part of the property hereby conveyed
(5) No advertisements shall be posted or painted or in any way displayed upon any dwellinghouse or building which might be erected upon the said plot of land or any hoarding advertisement board or in any other way upon the said plot of land except the name of the owner or tenant and his profession or business and the name of the house or from time to time that the house is for sale or to be let
(6) The plans and elevations of all buildings to be erected on the said plot of land shall be submitted to the Vendors or their Surveyor for approval and no building erected upon the said plot of land shall be built unless and until such plans are passed and signed by one or the other of them.