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Devonshire Road, Blackpool - I-Pack

Material Information

Devonshire Road, Blackpool

The material information outlined within this section is obtained from various sources. Whilst we believe the information is correct, we have not verified it and cannot guarantee accuracy and do not accept any liability for any inaccuracy. We recommend that prospective purchasers verify accuracy themselves or appoint professionals to independently verify the information.

Seller This indicates the information has been provided by the seller
Agent This indicates the information has been completed by the agent from information supplied by the seller
Land Registry This indicates the information has been sourced from the land registry but any prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries and not rely on the information supplied below
Ofcom This indicates the information has been sourced from ofcom but any prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries and not rely on the information supplied below This indicates the information has been sourced from but any prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries and not rely on the information supplied below

Property Information Highlights:
Quick links
Driveway, Garage
Wood Burner, Gas Central
Main Supply
Main Supply
Main Supply
Not Known
A Conveyance dated 6 December 1918 made between (1) Elizabeth Ann Rogerson (2) Amelia Helen Rogerson (3) James Preston and (4) Henry Francis Wilson and others contains the following covenants:- COVENANT by the Purchasers for themselves their heirs and assigns with the Vendors their heirs and assigns that the road shown on the said plan drawn thereon leading from the said Highway to the said buildings thereby conveyed should be used by the Purchasers only as a footpath and should not be used by them for horses carts or carriages to and from the said highway to such buildings And also that in the event of any of the said buildings being at any time thereafter pulled down such part thereof as form garden walls should be left as garden walls and the wall at the end of the farm stable or barn dividing such stable or barn from the stable belonging to the Vendors and used with Digham House should be left standing as the wall of such last mentioned stable And also that no drainage of any description other than existing agricultural drainage should be allowed to go through or be brought through the gardens or grounds of Digham House or of the house at present occupied as the farm house in connection with Digham Farm And also that it should be lawful for the Vendors and their heirs and assigns at all times thereafter to go on to such part of the land thereby conveyed as might be necessary for the purpose of whitewashing or doing necessary repairs walls buildings or fences of their other lands and to connect (at their own expense) into any drains that might be laid by the Purcahsers their heirs or assigns in through or under the lands thereby conveyed if the same should be necessary so as to give access to the public footpath there as then used And also that the Purchasers their heirs and assigns would not use or permit to be carried on upon the lands thereby conveyed anything which would cause more smoke than a private dwellinghouse or any disagreeable smell which might injure or prejudicially affect the ownership or occupation of the adjoining property of the Vendors and would at all times keep the manure tank in the farm yard cleaned out from time to time when necessary so as not to cause a nuisance to their premises. NOTE: Copy plan filed. A Conveyance of the land in this title dated 17 June 1957 made between (1) The Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of the Borough of Blackpool and (2) William Astbury Cartmell contains restrictive covenants and exceptions and reservations. NOTE: Abstract filed.