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Addison Road, Fleetwood - I-Pack

Material Information

Addison Road, Fleetwood

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Seller This indicates the information has been provided by the seller
Agent This indicates the information has been completed by the agent from information supplied by the seller
Land Registry This indicates the information has been sourced from the land registry but any prospective purchasers should make their own enquiries and not rely on the information supplied below
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A Conveyance of the land in this title and other land dated 8 November 1900 made between (1) The Fleetwood Estate Company Limited (Company) and (2) Joseph Cowan Barnes (Purchaser) contains the following covenants:- COVENANT by the purchaser with the Company their successors and assigns in manner following (that was to say) ........... to build 6 dwellinghouses as thereinafter mentioned ........... to submit plans of all buildings ......... to leave open and unbuilt upon the land coloured green on the plan except as therein mentioned ......... that houses should front to Addison Road ........... that the carriage Road and footpaths should be of approved levels and formed as therein mentioned ............. for payment of Street and sewer making expenses ........ for keeping Streets in repair till taken over the expenses and interest to be a charge on the said land .............. that Streets should be left open ............... that buildings erected contrary to covenants should be taken down ............. that no buildings to be erected should be used as a dancing room or for the sale of ale or for any trade which might become a nuisance.
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